Pool Closing
- Lowering the pool water to 4 inches below the skimmer.
- Removing and manually cleaning filter grids [when applicable].
- Adding of Winterizing chemicals into pool for proper balance.
- Winterization of all pool plumbing and equipment [with compressed air].
- Removing all overhanging rails and ladders.
- Professionally installing the pool cover, according to your pool’s contours.
- Pricing will vary given specific pool (i.e. spas, additional equipment etc.)
- Winterization of all pool plumbing and equipment [with compressed air].
The customer will be responsible for the following before arrival:
- Cleaning of pool, removal of dirt and debris.
- Removal of filter components (i.e. filter grids or cartridges).
- Water level reduced to 4-6 inches below skimmer level.
- Install cover securely onto pool.
- If desired Winterizing chemicals can be added prior or purchased through Waters Works